Monday, February 29, 2016

So I know about your bed bugs HAHA.  anyways you need to get a spray bottle from the $ store and put water and your lavender oil in it they don't like the smell.  Like maybe 20 drops for a bottle then spray the heck out of the mattress. and spray your body.  It should help.  Sorry you have to deal with this but what a memory.  Be careful you make sure everything is washed and dryed before you move to your next place especailly you sheets and pillow.  put your pillow in dryer for a long time.. They will travel with you.  Another thing that will help is to leave your suit case in a hot car along with any clothes.  The heat will kill them but it will take like all day but its got to get HOT.  I love you.  Keep your chin up.  Use your oils :) MOM

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