Hey Lila! My week went really well. I really like my new comp. he's awesome. Did you watch the new guardians or the the old one? A new puppy! That sounds really cute. I fall asleep in stake conference sometimes too.
Love Elder Shumway
Happy Monday everybody. Hope everybody is doing well. It's been
another week here in Vineland. Elder Martinez has packed his bags and
is now in California. My new companion in Elder Bucheger(boo-hey-ger).
He is from Colorado spring, Colorado and has been out for a little
more than a year. He is a great missionary! I'm really excited to work
with him this transfer. Some great things are happening in our area.
One of our most progressing investigators who's name is Annaka is
doing really well. I don't know if I've ever talked about her too
much. But she is really great. She was a referral from a member. She
is 16 years old and is really interested in the church. We've been
teaching her for about a little more than a month. She at first said
that her parents weren't open for her going to church or even being
baptized. But a few lessons ago she said her parents changed their
minds and said that she could. So right now she is on a baptismal date
for May 20th.
Our other investigators are going pretty slow. Ishmael is no longer
interested and Robert has been a no show for a couple of weeks. This
week we have been walking around a lot. We've also been riding bikes.
We were able to talk to a lot of people. One time we were riding our
bikes and this black car rides by us and yells that they used to meet
with missionaries in the past and want to again. So we got their
information and will be seeing them sometime this week.
Anyways that's it for me. Everybody is welcome to email me back. I hit
my 20 month this past week. Have only 4 months left on my mission.
Hope everybody has a great week!
Love Elder Shumway
another week here in Vineland. Elder Martinez has packed his bags and
is now in California. My new companion in Elder Bucheger(boo-hey-ger).
He is from Colorado spring, Colorado and has been out for a little
more than a year. He is a great missionary! I'm really excited to work
with him this transfer. Some great things are happening in our area.
One of our most progressing investigators who's name is Annaka is
doing really well. I don't know if I've ever talked about her too
much. But she is really great. She was a referral from a member. She
is 16 years old and is really interested in the church. We've been
teaching her for about a little more than a month. She at first said
that her parents weren't open for her going to church or even being
baptized. But a few lessons ago she said her parents changed their
minds and said that she could. So right now she is on a baptismal date
for May 20th.
Our other investigators are going pretty slow. Ishmael is no longer
interested and Robert has been a no show for a couple of weeks. This
week we have been walking around a lot. We've also been riding bikes.
We were able to talk to a lot of people. One time we were riding our
bikes and this black car rides by us and yells that they used to meet
with missionaries in the past and want to again. So we got their
information and will be seeing them sometime this week.
Anyways that's it for me. Everybody is welcome to email me back. I hit
my 20 month this past week. Have only 4 months left on my mission.
Hope everybody has a great week!
Love Elder Shumway
Hey dad. My week did go pretty well. I am excited about this transfer.
Thanks for wishing us luck on bike riding and walking. We will be
doing that a lot this week. It is a lot easier talking to people when
your not in the car.
I heard Andrew came around. He is a nice guy. That's too bad his bike
broke. That was nice of you to give him a ride home in the truck. Wow
Briggs is going to Uganda huh? That's pretty crazy. Two brothers went
to Africa.
The NBA playoffs must be in full swing. I always get excited about the
draft. Hopefully the Cardinals get somebody good.
Sorry to hear about uncle Gerry. I'm sure he's in a better place now.
He now doesn't have any more problems. That's good that he dies
peacefully in his sleep.
I just sent the package today and will hopefully be home in the next
few days. Say hello to the carpenters for me. They were always good to
me. I'm excited for the volleyball team. Every time someone talks
about them they seem to be doing really well, hopefully they go deep
into the playoffs. I am on moms icloud now. Good luck with working on
the truck. Yep only three weeks until Mother's Day!
Love Elder Shumway
Thanks for wishing us luck on bike riding and walking. We will be
doing that a lot this week. It is a lot easier talking to people when
your not in the car.
I heard Andrew came around. He is a nice guy. That's too bad his bike
broke. That was nice of you to give him a ride home in the truck. Wow
Briggs is going to Uganda huh? That's pretty crazy. Two brothers went
to Africa.
The NBA playoffs must be in full swing. I always get excited about the
draft. Hopefully the Cardinals get somebody good.
Sorry to hear about uncle Gerry. I'm sure he's in a better place now.
He now doesn't have any more problems. That's good that he dies
peacefully in his sleep.
I just sent the package today and will hopefully be home in the next
few days. Say hello to the carpenters for me. They were always good to
me. I'm excited for the volleyball team. Every time someone talks
about them they seem to be doing really well, hopefully they go deep
into the playoffs. I am on moms icloud now. Good luck with working on
the truck. Yep only three weeks until Mother's Day!
Love Elder Shumway
Hey mom. I did have a wonderful Sunday yesterday. It was a beautiful
day. I was confused with those pictures that you sent because of where
you were sitting. We would always sit in the front behind the deacons.
But then you said it was stake conference and then I understood. I got
scared a little bit thinking someone might have taken our seat. I did
speak in stake conference two years ago. Long time ago. I did get the
video of Sam in the choir but the quality is super bad. Did you notice
that I joined your iCloud group this past week? The video in there is
crystal clear. I'm sure you were all ready to get out of there after
being there for so long. Sounds like you all had a great Sunday.
I did and Cindy for the chocolates. Yes I have had some. They are
pretty good. Speaking of Cindy, remember when she sent me some freeze
dried stuff? She sent me some cake and blueberries. I didn't really
like them and I've kept them this whole time and this week my new
companion Elder Bucheger found them and he loves the blueberries. He
has asked if I could get some more. I think I might.
Elder Bucheger is really nice. We get along really well. He's really
easy going. He does have a brother on a mission. He's in Honduras. Our
week was pretty good. We are out of miles already for the month and
will have to be walking a lot this week. We've also been using the
Spanish elders bikes to get around a little.
Have they started construction on the school yet? Are you excited for
the new school? And seems like a new job there too. It can be hard to
be nice to people all the time. I'm sure people appreciate your
I would love it if you would transfer some money into my other
account. I am planning on burning a suit if I stay here. Cause there's
a family here that will let me do it in their yard. My suits are fine.
The two that I came out with don't fit me anymore. I do have that new
gray one and have a makeshift blue suit. I also have another grey one
that I got at the Salvation Army for about $10. It's ripped up though
so I'm not really wearing it. I plan on burning that one. My shoes are
fine. They are pretty beaten up. Especially the doc martins. I don't
want new ones cause I only have four months left. I'm going to be
sending my big winter jacket home today. I'll see if I can fit some
more winter stuff in it as well.
Tiffany Coon got married? Again? I thought she already got married
before I left? We have found a few people. We were riding our bikes
down the street and this woman in her car stopped us and said that she
used to be taught by the missionaries and wants to again. So we got
her information and will be going over sometime this week.i live it
now that I am the one planning it. I have more responsibility and I
like it. Definitely have more freedom. Yep only three weeks until
Mother's Day! Super excited! Have a great day.
Love Elder Shumway
day. I was confused with those pictures that you sent because of where
you were sitting. We would always sit in the front behind the deacons.
But then you said it was stake conference and then I understood. I got
scared a little bit thinking someone might have taken our seat. I did
speak in stake conference two years ago. Long time ago. I did get the
video of Sam in the choir but the quality is super bad. Did you notice
that I joined your iCloud group this past week? The video in there is
crystal clear. I'm sure you were all ready to get out of there after
being there for so long. Sounds like you all had a great Sunday.
I did and Cindy for the chocolates. Yes I have had some. They are
pretty good. Speaking of Cindy, remember when she sent me some freeze
dried stuff? She sent me some cake and blueberries. I didn't really
like them and I've kept them this whole time and this week my new
companion Elder Bucheger found them and he loves the blueberries. He
has asked if I could get some more. I think I might.
Elder Bucheger is really nice. We get along really well. He's really
easy going. He does have a brother on a mission. He's in Honduras. Our
week was pretty good. We are out of miles already for the month and
will have to be walking a lot this week. We've also been using the
Spanish elders bikes to get around a little.
Have they started construction on the school yet? Are you excited for
the new school? And seems like a new job there too. It can be hard to
be nice to people all the time. I'm sure people appreciate your
I would love it if you would transfer some money into my other
account. I am planning on burning a suit if I stay here. Cause there's
a family here that will let me do it in their yard. My suits are fine.
The two that I came out with don't fit me anymore. I do have that new
gray one and have a makeshift blue suit. I also have another grey one
that I got at the Salvation Army for about $10. It's ripped up though
so I'm not really wearing it. I plan on burning that one. My shoes are
fine. They are pretty beaten up. Especially the doc martins. I don't
want new ones cause I only have four months left. I'm going to be
sending my big winter jacket home today. I'll see if I can fit some
more winter stuff in it as well.
Tiffany Coon got married? Again? I thought she already got married
before I left? We have found a few people. We were riding our bikes
down the street and this woman in her car stopped us and said that she
used to be taught by the missionaries and wants to again. So we got
her information and will be going over sometime this week.i live it
now that I am the one planning it. I have more responsibility and I
like it. Definitely have more freedom. Yep only three weeks until
Mother's Day! Super excited! Have a great day.
Love Elder Shumway