Fifita. This will be his last transfer. He will be the second
missionary that I "kill"(remember I am not actually killing him, it's
missionary lingo meaning I will be his last companion as his life as a
missionary). This week has been pretty good. I'm sorry I didn't send
out a weekly email last week. To recap on these past couple of weeks
we had set a date to be baptized with a woman named Brittany. She was
a referral from some members in another ward. She is a very prepared
person. At the time we invited her to be baptized she said she was
grateful that we invited her cause if we didn't she would have asked
if she could. Unfortunately she was sick yesterday and wasn't able to
make it to church. Her baptismal date is March 18th.
Other than that not many other investigators are progressing very
well. We are trying to find new people to teach. Hopefully with Gods
help we can find those who have been prepared by him. I know there are
people here who have been prepared and are just waiting to hear the
Love Elder Shumway
Good morning. I'm sure it is strange to have church so early. You've
had church at 2:00 for so long I'm sure it's quite a change. How was
porters home coming? Glad you had a great Sunday yesterday.
I got the pictures and videos on Saturday and they were awesome. It
did seem that you guys got TP'D pretty bad. That must of been pretty
fun to clean up.
So a success was that we got Brittany with a baptismal date. The
disappointment is that John is not keeping commitments and is not
progressing and we are dropping him. The other day he smoked too much
weed and was in the hospital. Then the next day he's back smoking
again. And he told us that he's probably going to go to jail today
cause he broke his probation. The things we do Day to day are
interesting. The work is somewhat slow. The branch doesn't give us
much help. They honestly seem like they don't believe in missionary
work. It's been a little bit of a frustrating weekend. Many people in
the branch have expressed their opinions that this is a dead area and
missionary work can't happen here and we will never have a baptism. We
had branch conference yesterday and branch council with the stake
presidency and someone had made a comment about how the people won't
listen and no one will accept to be taught by the missionaries. I
wanted to rebuke them so much but I held back. I kind of wish I should
have but that might make the branch not like me because of it. Ok
sorry rant over. Glad to hear everybody is healthy and no longer sick.
Right now the weather is wet and windy. The mental hospital next to us
just lost its power. Hope you guys can stay warm!
How did the games work out yesterday? You're so nice to just root for
the team that everybody else is rooting for.
Thank you for the gift cards. I have not received them yet. Hopefully
they will come today or tomorrow. Neither Elder Fifita or Paul have
ever been to Jimmy Johns and I will definitely introduce them to it.
Thanks for sending Paul one too. We will have a great time at chilis.
Yep I am staying here in Cambridge for another transfer. I am going to
be Elder Fifita's last companion. It will be my 2nd time. Thank you
for sending off all of those thank yous to Pottsville. I hope they
enjoyed them. What did you send them? I did get grandpas money. I'm
going to let him know today.
Really glad to hear that Sister Whis is doing good. How's Josh doing?
He's in primary right? I'm sure you do a great job teaching the
nursery kids. I'm sure there are some really cute little kids. There
usually is. And now you have a great partner to work with. Seems like
you enjoy nursery. Do you? It seems like dad enjoys it.
Branch conference yesterday went well. I told you about it a little
bit earlier. John showed up to church yesterday along with another
investigator. John is not really interested anymore. We've kind of
given up on him cause he doesn't keep commitments. I don't know how
Lori's dad is. I'm sure you could find out the information a lot more
quickly than I can. He was a little sick back when they got married.
You did tell me that Andrew I had that calling. I'm glad that he has a
responsibility. Is that in the singles ward? Sorry Lila is not happy
about that. I'm sure she will get over it.
I wish I could have been involved with cutting the tree. I would have
enjoyed that. That's good that dad didn't fall. That would not be
That was the first time I had ever met the Fletcher's. They love the
missionaries. They brought us some delicious food. Yep I'm still
advertising for Anchor pest control. The shirt still works too.
I'm not surprised that porter hasn't changed physically. I'm pretty
sure he will always be skinny. Sounds like he did a great job on his
talk. I'm sure too that his mom was watching over him a lot on his
mission. I guess garret is still on his mission.
Seems like you all are taking advantage of the new gym. It sounds like
a lot of fun. I'm sure you'll do great at your new job next year.
Hopefully less stress and interacting with upset parents. Have a great
Love Elder Shumway
had church at 2:00 for so long I'm sure it's quite a change. How was
porters home coming? Glad you had a great Sunday yesterday.
I got the pictures and videos on Saturday and they were awesome. It
did seem that you guys got TP'D pretty bad. That must of been pretty
fun to clean up.
So a success was that we got Brittany with a baptismal date. The
disappointment is that John is not keeping commitments and is not
progressing and we are dropping him. The other day he smoked too much
weed and was in the hospital. Then the next day he's back smoking
again. And he told us that he's probably going to go to jail today
cause he broke his probation. The things we do Day to day are
interesting. The work is somewhat slow. The branch doesn't give us
much help. They honestly seem like they don't believe in missionary
work. It's been a little bit of a frustrating weekend. Many people in
the branch have expressed their opinions that this is a dead area and
missionary work can't happen here and we will never have a baptism. We
had branch conference yesterday and branch council with the stake
presidency and someone had made a comment about how the people won't
listen and no one will accept to be taught by the missionaries. I
wanted to rebuke them so much but I held back. I kind of wish I should
have but that might make the branch not like me because of it. Ok
sorry rant over. Glad to hear everybody is healthy and no longer sick.
Right now the weather is wet and windy. The mental hospital next to us
just lost its power. Hope you guys can stay warm!
How did the games work out yesterday? You're so nice to just root for
the team that everybody else is rooting for.
Thank you for the gift cards. I have not received them yet. Hopefully
they will come today or tomorrow. Neither Elder Fifita or Paul have
ever been to Jimmy Johns and I will definitely introduce them to it.
Thanks for sending Paul one too. We will have a great time at chilis.
Yep I am staying here in Cambridge for another transfer. I am going to
be Elder Fifita's last companion. It will be my 2nd time. Thank you
for sending off all of those thank yous to Pottsville. I hope they
enjoyed them. What did you send them? I did get grandpas money. I'm
going to let him know today.
Really glad to hear that Sister Whis is doing good. How's Josh doing?
He's in primary right? I'm sure you do a great job teaching the
nursery kids. I'm sure there are some really cute little kids. There
usually is. And now you have a great partner to work with. Seems like
you enjoy nursery. Do you? It seems like dad enjoys it.
Branch conference yesterday went well. I told you about it a little
bit earlier. John showed up to church yesterday along with another
investigator. John is not really interested anymore. We've kind of
given up on him cause he doesn't keep commitments. I don't know how
Lori's dad is. I'm sure you could find out the information a lot more
quickly than I can. He was a little sick back when they got married.
You did tell me that Andrew I had that calling. I'm glad that he has a
responsibility. Is that in the singles ward? Sorry Lila is not happy
about that. I'm sure she will get over it.
I wish I could have been involved with cutting the tree. I would have
enjoyed that. That's good that dad didn't fall. That would not be
That was the first time I had ever met the Fletcher's. They love the
missionaries. They brought us some delicious food. Yep I'm still
advertising for Anchor pest control. The shirt still works too.
I'm not surprised that porter hasn't changed physically. I'm pretty
sure he will always be skinny. Sounds like he did a great job on his
talk. I'm sure too that his mom was watching over him a lot on his
mission. I guess garret is still on his mission.
Seems like you all are taking advantage of the new gym. It sounds like
a lot of fun. I'm sure you'll do great at your new job next year.
Hopefully less stress and interacting with upset parents. Have a great
Love Elder Shumway
Hi Sam. I'm doing well. It's raining a lot outside right now. I did
like the dive video. Sorry it pooped in your shirt. That's good it was
ok because you had pizza. Was it barros pizza?
like the dive video. Sorry it pooped in your shirt. That's good it was
ok because you had pizza. Was it barros pizza?
Good morning! I'd like to see Atlanta win too. They seem like a good
under dog team. Patriots have always done well and they seriously need
to stop winning so much! Mom told me you were wanting the packers and
patriots in the super bowl. Hopefully the cardinals will be in the
discussion next year too. Mom did fill me in on a few things. That's
great that the truck locks now. Thank you for doing that. Now the
white truck will be driven by me correct? Mom told me you are now in
nursery with her. Seems like you enjoy it too. She says she likes it a
lot and that there's a lot of cute little kids. Especially the Goodman
little girl. I hope Josh is doing well. I think about him sometimes
and hope he's doing good. Elder Neher off to Hawaii! Hope he has fun
and doesn't get too comfortable in paradise! That seems like a great
talk. We can learn a lot about the brother of Jared. I'm pretty sure
hat the Lord showed himself to him because of his faith. He must have
had a lot of faith. I sure need to work on it cause I definitely
haven't seen the Lord. Thanks for your prayers. I think you know but
I'm staying another transfer here with Elder Fifita. Thanks for your
Love Elder Shumway
under dog team. Patriots have always done well and they seriously need
to stop winning so much! Mom told me you were wanting the packers and
patriots in the super bowl. Hopefully the cardinals will be in the
discussion next year too. Mom did fill me in on a few things. That's
great that the truck locks now. Thank you for doing that. Now the
white truck will be driven by me correct? Mom told me you are now in
nursery with her. Seems like you enjoy it too. She says she likes it a
lot and that there's a lot of cute little kids. Especially the Goodman
little girl. I hope Josh is doing well. I think about him sometimes
and hope he's doing good. Elder Neher off to Hawaii! Hope he has fun
and doesn't get too comfortable in paradise! That seems like a great
talk. We can learn a lot about the brother of Jared. I'm pretty sure
hat the Lord showed himself to him because of his faith. He must have
had a lot of faith. I sure need to work on it cause I definitely
haven't seen the Lord. Thanks for your prayers. I think you know but
I'm staying another transfer here with Elder Fifita. Thanks for your
Love Elder Shumway